PeaceSprouts Gives First Anti-Bullying Presentation!
On March 17th, PeaceSprouts visited Cheyenne Traditional School to meet with the fourth grade Girl Scout Troop 366. We talked to the girls about what it takes to be a leader, and we learned as much from them as they did from us!
Here are some of the inspirational thoughts the troop gave us on what it takes to be a leader. From the mouths of fourth graders…
- Reese: "To respect others and respect what people think!"
- Maddie: "Being a leader means to set a good example around young children!"
- Addison: "To respect what others have to say and try to understand them."
- Rylee: "Being a leader means to help others and be nice. If you are on a team, you should be positive, use teamwork, and say, "We" instead of "I"."
The Girl Scouts also performed skits revolving around real-life scenarios of bullying to show what they would do to stand up against a bully. The girls were all thrilled to receive their new LinksOfPeace bracelets!
To top off our great day, the girls did the most fabulous job of reciting the PeaceSprouts message. Check it out!